Cheers to the Summer!

Hello friends! Happy summer!

It has been an incredibly strange year so far (in good ways and bad!) and I have been looking forward to being able to jump into the lake, swim, hike, and just be outside in nature….and maybe enjoy all that with a glass of wine too! Ha!

As things start to phase into re-opening, we are all looking for ways to have a little extra fun in the sun, while still maintaining some social distancing and being safe!

Last summer, Preston & I had the opportunity to go to the Adirondack Winery (located in Lake George, New York) for a wine tasting and IT WAS SO FREAKING FUN! We laughed, tried all new things (seven different types of wine!) and had a great cheese plate.

This summer, things will definitely be different (and you can read a little more about their tasting room procedures here!) but I was still pumped because for me, summer equals more waterside wine!


However, the Adirondack Winery is still shipping, doing pick-ups, and you can even grab a bottle in a TON of New York liquor stores! So don’t WINE about it – just have a glass and have some mo’ scato.

Check out their site to find your closest location to shop!

Honestly, just a heads up, this post is going to be FILLED with wine puns!

Also, be sure to check out my Instagram & Facebook & YouTube channel!

Since everything is in a constant flux right now, I wanted to share a few socially distant & wine-filled ways to rosé all day this summer!

3 Ways I’m Enjoying My Wine This Summer

I’m an upstate girl in my heart. I have gone up to the Adirondacks every summer since I was born, since my mom was a kid, since my grandparents were young. It’s a staple of our family.

Adirondack Winery has fresh, local made, and unique wines that are perfect for every season but they always remind me most of summer and being lakeside. (Preston is also a HUGE fan – his fave is Blueberry Twilight!)

1.) Stay in the cabin & relax! 

Whether you’re a tent and sleeping bag kind of up-stater or a cabin and Wifi Dackie, you know there’s some prime benefits to exploring where you’re staying! Preston and I love to have a glass of wine and watch scary movies or play board games!

Get cozy and get merlot with a glass of Wild Cherry after dinner and relax after spending a day out on the lake or hiking!

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2.) There’s two types of people at the beach…

I’m more of a red-heart-sunnies, ukulele, low SPF, chilled bottle on the beach type. Preston is more of a biography-aviator-chilled white wine type.

We love heading down to the beach to enjoy the view, read a good book with our toes in the water, feel the lake breeze , and enjoy a glass of wine. We’re polar opposites on most things – I’m definitely louder and quirkier and he’s more classic and reserved! So he’s more of a “bring a book” type and I’m more of a “strum a uke” type! Ha!

Preston was drinking the peach infused Prospect Mountain white wine while my bottle was filled with my personal fave, Sunny Day, a pineapple infused wine!

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3.) Get out on the water! 

I am a total FISH when it comes to the lake! I love to be in the water! Swimming, kayaking, floating, paddleboat, canoe, anything I can do to be out on the water makes me pumped!

Preston and I like to go out on the boat all day and pack a nice picnic lunch (including a bottle or two of wine!) and enjoy the sunshine. Double bonus: this is an AMAZING way to social distance but still get all the summer vibes on!

Even our dog, Charlie, likes to come out on the boat with us, although instead of wine, he has a shark life jacket! Ha!


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Check out the Adirondack Winery on Social Media



Adirondack Winery also typically hosts the Lake George Food & Wine Fest in June! Due to COVID19, this year it has been postponed to September (and I’ll be there!)

Check out all the links for the fest to stay up to date on any changes with the event!

How are you enjoying summer with the new normal? What’s your go to summer wine? Will I see you at the Lake George Food & Wine Festival?!





*this post is sponsored by The Adirondack Winery, however all thoughts and opinions are my own!*


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Thank you for all that you do. You are truly extraordinary.

Love all you wonderful ladies (and gents!) out there!


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